The 10 Things You Should Always Keep To Yourself
The 10 Things You Should Always Keep To Yourself Some things are better left unsaid. If you share everything about yourself with others, you might say things that perhaps you shouldn’t. You know… Too much info. There’s nothing wrong with keeping SOME things to yourself, and a lot of the time it’s actually better. Sometimes, keeping things safe can also be helpful in creating success! So, here are the things that you should always keep to yourself! Number 1 - Biggest Goals If you have big goals, it’s probably best not to share them with others. You’re also more likely to achieve them this way. It can be very tough because you can get super excited about them, but while you work hard to reach these goals, other people’s opinions might cause confusion. And opinions are relative and different for everyone. It’s also really interesting to note, that studies on goal setting have shown that telling people about your goals and then getting praise for setting them, ...