The 10 Things You Should Always Keep To Yourself

The 10 Things You Should Always Keep To Yourself

Some things are better left unsaid.
If you share everything about yourself with others, you might say things that perhaps 
you shouldn’t.
You know… Too much info.
There’s nothing wrong with keeping SOME things to yourself, and a lot of the time it’s actually better.
Sometimes, keeping things safe can also be helpful in creating success!
So, here are the things that you should always keep to yourself!
Number 1 - Biggest Goals
If you have big goals, it’s probably best not to share them with others.
You’re also more likely to achieve them this way.
It can be very tough because you can get super excited about them, but while you work hard to reach these goals, other people’s opinions might cause confusion.
And opinions are relative and different for everyone.
It’s also really interesting to note, that studies on goal setting have shown that telling people about your goals and then getting praise for setting them, can make your brain produce the endorphins that it would, once you reached the goal.
This makes you feel like you’ve already achieved something, and then you don’t work as hard to reach your goal.
Number 2 - Good Deeds
Try not to talk much about the good things you’ve done for others.
This can easily make you seem arrogant and self-serving.
Those who can see your kindness, don’t need further explanation.
And if you are only doing good deeds just to brag about yourself, does it even count?
Always be kind and humble.
Number 3 - Personal Life
Your personal life is your own business.
There are certain things that are better kept to yourself, such as what you do under the sheets, your religious life, and your bad habits.
Telling others about your personal things will open you up to judgment and criticism.
Keeping certain aspects of your life a mystery will make you come across much classier and worthy of a lot more respect.
Number 4 - Your Wealth
Some people have it better than others, and you may or may not be one of the fortunate 
If you are, that’s great.
But it’s not wise to flaunt your wealth too much and it’s best if you keep your family’s wealth to yourself.
Money can corrupt friends and relatives, and when you have a lot of it, people around you are going to be jealous.
If you have it, enjoy it and feel good about it, but don’t brag about it.
Your financial status does not pertain to anyone, but you.
Number 5 - Life Philosophy
Everyone needs to believe in something to get through the day.
However, the things that provide relief are different for everyone.
For this reason, your individual preferences and beliefs are yours alone.
Don't spend your precious time convincing others to think like you.
Number 6 - Family Problems
All families have drama.
But these are not things you should be sharing with others.
Besides, the more you talk about your family problems, the more difficult it becomes.
It’s also very disrespectful to share your family conflicts with others and it devalues you, as a person.
Problems in the home are best resolved in the home.
Of course if there is something wrong, it’s ok to tell people who are close to you, as they can provide some support.
Number 7 - Other People’s Secrets
Do yourself a favor.
Don’t be the one to talk about the private life of others.
Don’t gossip about them.
Just remember to mind your own business.
If someone confides in you with confidential information, it is your duty, ethically, to keep their secrets.
If you share this information with anyone else, then the trust is broken and the relationship will be severed.
Now, there are exceptions…
If the situation is life threatening or endangering the life of someone.
Number 8 - Fears & Weaknesses
Everyone has fears and weaknesses, and sharing these things will not provide you comfort.
In fact, people enjoy seeing other people’s weaknesses.
So don’t feed them. You can study up on your fears and weaknesses, or if that isn’t working, get some professional help.
Number 9 - Resentments About The Past
Constantly digging up the past is not going to help.
Though past experiences can easily affect today, do not let these define the moment you are in.
The best thing you can do is to express yourself in the moment.
This way you can prevent past regrets and resentments.
Forgive others in order to be peaceful.
Move on and let go!
Number 10 - Your Talents
This one is actually something you can share with others.
However, if you have special talents, don't talk about them constantly.
Only talk about them when the right time comes.
Actions speak louder than words.
Apply this principle wherever you can.

Don’t get me wrong.
I’m not suggesting that you isolate yourself from the world.
But, you should have certain boundaries that are not crossed, because no matter how kind people can be, they are unpredictable.
And no matter how large the circle of people around you is, in the end, we are all on our 
Thanks for watching!
Hopefully this article has made you wiser.
If you agree,  SHARE it with your friends, so they too can become wiser.


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