How To Simplify Your Life
How To Simplify Your Life Our lives can get hectic. Lots of commitments, lots of things we want to do and lots to keep up with. It’s no wonder many of us become overwhelmed. Simplifying our lives can help us combat these feelings. However, living a simpler life in what can be a complex world, takes some effort and commitment. With this in mind, here are some ideas to help you simplify your life! Number 1 - Create a Morning Ritual It’s tempting to hit that snooze button a few times when our alarms go off in the morning, but we all know what that’s going to mean — another stressful morning spent running around getting dressed and gathering what we need for the day. An alternative is to create a ritual that gets your morning off to a more positive start. The night before, lay out your clothes, pack your bag and then go to bed at a reasonable time. Set your alarm for half an hour earlier than you need, so that you can do something that makes you feel good...