12 Healthy Habits That Will Change Your Life

12 Healthy Habits That Will Change Your Life

Most people associate habits with a boring routine or mundane ritual.
But, healthy habits have the power to actually change your life.
Just as bad habits can harm you and set you back on your path, good habits can spring you forward - so, don't let old habits hold you back.
Start building these simple habits for a healthier, and more productive life!
Number 1 - Slow Down
We live life rushed, acting busy even if we are not busy, because it makes us feel like 
we are accomplishing something.
If you’re actually extremely busy, it may be time to prioritize your life and cut out a few things that are draining your energy, rather than serving you.
Enjoying the “now” is a much healthier way to live.
Healthy habits for life include enjoying your life.
Number 2 - Get Direct Sunlight
You already know that drinking enough water and getting sufficient sleep is important 
for your health.
But did you know that getting direct sunlight is just as important?
Sunlight on our skin promotes vitamin D3 which is essential for hormone production and bone health.
Take a few minutes a day and expose your face and arms to some sunshine.
The sun is also a great mood enhancer and fights depression.
In addition, sunlight helps melatonin production for a good night’s sleep.
Number 3 - Follow The 80/20 Rule
The 80/20 rule, means that in any situation, 20% of the tasks yield 80% of the results.
So you can maximize productivity by investing most of your time and energy on those specific tasks that will create the biggest impact.
Once you've finished those tasks, you can focus on other activities that are on your to-do list.
Number 4 - Learn To Single-Task
Only 2% the population in the world can actually multitask successfully.
While there’s no harm in occasional multitasking, constant juggling between tasks, limits your focus and contributes to mental clutter by making it difficult for your brain to filter out irrelevant information.
Also, heavy multitasking lowers efficiency and may impair your cognitive control.
This is why you should try to single-task as much as possible - completing one task at a time, in order of importance.
Number 5 - Laugh Every Day
Laughter is so important to your health.
It reduces stress chemicals in your body and increases “feel good hormones.”
It also boosts your immune system!
You have to let go of negative emotions to laugh.
Therefore, laughter is freedom.
And if you need help getting started, just put on a funny movie or video.
Number 6 - Make Time For Exercise
Other than improving your physical health, working out regularly pumps up creativity 
and enhances your cognitive skills.
It's also an effective way to build endurance and get energized.
Exercising also elevates mood by boosting the production of endorphins – which are hormones that act as natural anti-depressants.
Number 7 - Start Reading
Self-education can never be underestimated.
Reading books is a great way to gain knowledge and stimulate creativity.
Reading also improves focus and has a calming effect similar to meditation.
Non-fiction books, in particular, are an excellent tool to broaden your horizon, develop new ideas and seek motivation.
Additionally, they also offer actionable advice on how to overcome all kinds of challenging situations through real-life examples.
Number 8 - Journal
Journaling is a valuable resource for your overall well-being.
It allows you to vent on paper, by getting out your negative emotions in the form of writing, and you don’t have to be the greatest writer to scratch down how you’re feeling or how your day went.
In time, you’ll be glad you started this habit, and you can look back at all the good and bad memories, and see how far you’ve come.
It gives you a more insightful perspective.
Number 9 - Do A Social Media Detox
The digital world has taken over almost every aspect of our lives.
The average person has five social media accounts and spends at least an hour and a half every day on social media networks.
Research shows, that the more time you spend on a social media site, the more likely you are to develop depression.
While it might be challenging, it’s a good idea to cut back on social media to reduce stress and mental clutter.
As hard it is, switch off your phone and laptop for a few hours every day to improve your mood, and reconnect with the world around you.
Number 10 - Don’t Eat Late
When you eat late in the evening, you’re probably snacking while surfing the web or 
watching something.
This means, you end up eating more than you intend to, racking up additional calories. 
Plus, eating late in the evening requires your body to spend more time digesting, instead of repairing and restoring.
As a result, you end up sleeping poorly and then wake up tired. 
Finishing the day's last meal or snack at least two hours before you go to bed, gives your body time to digest the food.
Number 11 - Take Time for Good Music
Music has amazing affects, such as relieving stress, elevating mood, improving cognitive 
function and reducing pain.
Music stimulates the mind and spirit in a way that nothing else can.
Create a playlist of your favorite songs, put on some headphones, close your eyes and enjoy!
Number 12 - Evaluate Your Beliefs
Sometimes in life, we need to take a step back and analyze what we believe, and re-evaluate 
our core beliefs.
Old beliefs can put a lid on an idea or limit your creativity.
Maybe you grew up thinking that earning money requires hard work, or maybe you were told as a child that you will amount to nothing.
Make it a priority to regularly evaluate your beliefs, and see if you’re putting limits on your future!
If you’re already doing some of these healthy habits…
You’re on the right track.
Maybe you skimmed through them and realized you’re not doing any of them.
Well, today is the first day of the rest of your life, and good habits have the power to change your life for the better.
Keep in mind that it won’t happen overnight.
Experts say it takes 21 days of doing something new for it to become a habit.
Being consistent will greatly reward you.
Surely, you have some good habits.
How do you motivate yourself to stick with them? 🤔
Let us know!
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