What To Do When Things Don’t Go As Planned
Sometimes life doesn’t go as planned. Perhaps it’s a job that we wanted, a relationship that seemed so promising, or even just plans we made for a particular day - unexpected things happen, and what we had hoped for doesn’t turn out the way we imagined. We all have those times when things are just not working out, and it’s okay and normal to feel scared or nervous. As humans, we prefer order over chaos, the known over unknown, and familiar over unfamiliar. Whenever we feel disappointment, it’s like a setback, and it slows us down. It throws us off course. The following tips should help you - when things in your life don’t go as planned! Number 1 - Acknowledge Your Thoughts When things don’t go according to your plans, your thoughts can get out of hand. They can either remind you of the past, or make you worry about the future. Now of course, you can’t just ignore your thoughts, or stop thinking - but instead of trying to resist them, recognize that these thoughts...