14 reasons why people ignore you
14 reasons why people ignore you
There's probably nothing that makes people feel more confused and uncertain than when they're being ignored I'm sure you know what I'm talking about have you ever been on a date that you thought was successful only to get no calls or messages from them after your own experience might even be a loved one or a friend who stopped replying to your text messages we've all been ignored at one time or another and we know that terrible feeling that follows it you keep asking yourself questions wondering
what you did wrong or if something happened to them it's a jumble of unpleasant emotions some people have even gotten used to automatically blaming themselves for it sometimes it's not your fault they just don't like you while other times you did something probably unknowingly to provoke the silence so here are 14 common reasons why people ignore you let's get to it
Number 1: Your presence doesn't grab attention
when people talk about first impressions it usually means what they thought about someone the first time they met them because people naturally pay more attention to those who appear more confident your public presentation may be to blame maybe the simple truth about why people ignore you is just that you don't do enough to catch the eye this might be the right time to put more effort into working on your self-confidence your body language and how you approach people as these things are key to grabbing attention.
Number 2: You are too needy
people might also avoid you if you can't seem to stand on your own when you're overly dependent on those who surround you even for the simplest matters over time your over-reliance tends to make them feel suffocated learn to handle things yourself if you're suspecting that this might be the reason people are ignoring you then it will serve you well to take a step back and give them some space don't be the one to always go after them let them also come after you.
Number 3: You are full of negativity
if all your views and contributions are always negative it could be another reason why people avoid you like the plague a pessimist is not a particularly enjoyable kind of person to have this company nobody ever wants to be around someone who will drag them down and pour water on their ideas all the time though
it is very true that sometimes in life
we go through rough patches but we can't afford to view the world from these moments work on your problems and always try to be a beacon for others going through tough times too because just like ships to lighthouses people are always attracted to others with a positive outlook.
Number 4: You worry too much about being liked
if you try too hard to be liked eventually you will push people away that's a classic case of irony people pleasers are generally not much fun to be around because they haven't learned to accept and be comfortable with themselves their belief systems if they have any are formed from whatever people around them believe they're always following always trying too hard and this eventually drives
people away so be yourself and don't try so hard.
Number 5: You are too intense
having opinions and being passionate about things is good in fact it's important to have belief systems that we stand by but if you are too passionate intense and rigid and always ready to argue then you will only chase people away nobody wants to hang around someone who's always loud about the same thing it's quite tiring to listen to the same arguments over and over again so if this is the kind of person you are you might need to tone down on your intensity and save your arguments for the right time
Number 6: You don't take anything seriously
if you've become well-known for not keeping promises or have become used to showing up late or even canceling totally then you shouldn't wonder why people ignore you that's why this kind of lack of disco attitude tells people that you don't respect them and it will ultimately drive them away like the boy who cried wolf when you're known to take nothing seriously no one will take you seriously
Number 7: you don't contribute much
Have you ever been in a relationship in any kind of relationship where you seem to be the only one giving do you remember what it felt like having someone so passive in your life now feeling is what drives people away a one-sided relationship will never thrive it's the mutuality that makes it enjoyable if you are not contributing much of anything to a relationship then you will drive the other party away so get yourself to be more active after all you can't form a relationship all by yourself
Number 8: You're being too opinionated
Having answers to everything doesn't make you look cool as some may think on the contrary it can be very irritating to people because you're making them feel dumb so how exactly is that well when people talk to you about their problems most times they aren't really asking for your opinion or a solution sometimes
they just need someone who will listen while they fan out all their frustrations and negative emotions listening to themselves talk often helps people reach conclusions and find the answers they need so if you're always providing answers instead of really listening you may be driving people away because instead of being the ears they need you're busy looking for answers and no one really wants to be told how to live their lives.
Number 9: you are selfish
One of the qualities that sustains a relationship is selflessness selfish people have a hard time maintaining relationships because no one really wants to hang around someone who only cares about themselves always thinking and talking about yourself just shows that you are not genuinely interested in other people the truth is no one will stay with you when you're not interested in them so learn to consider others as well.
Number 10: You are dishonest sometimes
we tell lies in a bid to guard our privacy against those we don't trust this may not be bad in itself but making a habit of lying unprovoked is the definition of dishonesty a friendship or really any kind of relationship that's built on lies doesn't last when people realize that things aren't always what you claim they are they start to question if they can really trust you you dishonesty erodes trust and destroys relationships because people tend to avoid those they can't trust would you make someone you cannot trust a close confidant probably not
Number 11: you aren't assertive enough
Sometimes people ignore us because they can't understand what we are saying we often feel ignored when we feel like we're talking but nobody seems to listen to what we have to say in this situation the problem lies in communication the art of communication whether verbal or nonverbal is not about being loud and getting in people's faces but rather it's about speaking in a way you know they will understand and that is the only way to make yourself heard
Number 12: Boasting too much occasionally
people like to talk and brag about the things they have achieved doing this once in a while might not be harmful but making a habit of it will make you appear arrogant it often feels like you're deriding others for not being as successful as you are and that kind of feeling will repel people if you really have achieved that as much as you claim your achievements will speak for themselves you don't need to insert it in every conversation you have doing that doesn't make you look good it makes you look insecure.
Number 13: People don't know you
Need them there are people who have become adept at keeping their true emotions hidden from the world these kinds of people appear not to care about anyone or need their help if this is you this could be the reason people are ignoring you they can't really tell if you need them in your life because your outlook in your words do not really reveal what you're feeling inside the best solution to this problem is to express how you truly feel more often.
Number 14: It isn't you it is them
if every time you feel ignored by others you put the blame on yourself you may need to stop doing this sometimes people just don't like you not because of anything you did or didn't do they're just not willing to build a relationship with you there's no need to waste energy on these kind of people if you have them in your life the best thing to do is to shift the focus off them to those who value and respect you don't leave those who really matter to chase after those who don't care all in all feeling ignored by people can be a very unpleasant thing to experience and there really are many things that could be responsible for that even beyond the reasons we have talked about if you find this problem in just one or two relationships in your life it may not be your fault but if you've noticed a pattern of the same thing happening again and again across different relationships in your life then it may be time to re-evaluate yourself to discover where the problems lie and work on how you can correct them did you find this list helpful did it make you think and recognize the changes you should make in order to improve your interpersonal skills.
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