11 Values For Success And Happiness

11 Values For Success And Happiness

Everyone wants a life full of  happiness and success, and the   possibility of having both is rather exciting. The good news is, we can all maximize our happiness and success if we just learn how  to tap into our values in life - as they can directly impact the amount of happiness  we experience and the success we create. So, without further ado, here  are 11 values to live by!

Number 1 - Seek Growth Over Perfection

You might have heard the phrase “There’s no  such thing as perfection” a million times over, 
and that’s because it’s true. One of the most common things that can hold someone back from achieving their  goal is a desire for perfection. But really, wanting every condition and step to be perfect  is just another way to procrastinate. It’s also usually a product of a universal  fear of being judged by other people. Trying to be perfect is  only going to hold you back. Your goal shouldn’t be perfection, but growth;  and shifting your focus from one to the other will increase both your happiness and success. When growth and improvement becomes the standard, your definition of success will also change,  and you’ll find yourself experiencing it more.

Number 2 - Success Is Subjective

This ties in with the previous point. A lack of fulfillment when trying to 
achieve your goals is usually caused by trying  to chase someone else’s definition of success. Society suggests that there is only one  kind of success worth searching for - one that is financially focused - and this  drives us to compare ourselves to others. We believe that someone else is more  successful than we are, simply because they have more money or a higher social standing. The problem with this idea is that every person is different and therefore our values and experiences  are, too. Some people put high value on money, while others value freedom or time more. The best way to achieve the happiness and success you want is to start creating YOUR  definition of what being successful means to you. Follow that, instead of what you  are told success is supposed to be.

Number 3 - Patience Really Is A Virtue

Living in a fast-paced society means  that most people have adopted the 
“I want it all, and I want it now” mindset.  The art of patience has virtually been lost. But most of the time, that isn’t quite  how life works. Yes, you can certainly have quick wins, but that’s not the norm. Don’t get me wrong… Having patience when it comes to achieving your goals doesn’t mean  sitting around and waiting for everything to come to you - taking action is a  big part of getting what you want. However, pushing to get to your  destination won’t allow you to enjoy the journey - patience is a necessary  virtue in crafting the kind of life you want. Finding the right balance of ‘calculated action  and patience’ will set you up for success.

Number 4 - Take Responsibility

Taking responsibility for your actions is a  significant part of a happy, successful life. 
Personal responsibility is the  key to having personal power. A lot of people are stuck in the victim mindset  - believing that things just happen to them, and they have no say or part in  the circumstances that arise. They think that they are powerless  to control their own life. By taking responsibility for all areas of your  life, you’re able to understand and use the power you have to change it for the better. To get the life that you want, you must know the value of personal responsibility and  make sure that it’s present in your life.

Number 5 - Start Before You’re Ready

People tend to waste a lot of time overthinking  and over-planning before they start something. 
The fear of failure and judgment is ingrained  in most of us, and it only adds to the desire for wanting everything to be “perfect.” But again, there’s no such thing as perfection. High achievers understand  the value of preparation, but they also understand the importance of getting  started - even if they don’t feel quite ready. The truth is, there will never be  a “right time” to start anything. No one is ever really prepared, regardless of how much time they spend  beforehand - so it’s best to start now!

Number 6 - Happiness Is A Choice

Other than certain health issues  that can cause a lack of happiness, 
unhappy people are usually that  way because they choose to be. Every decision you make - from the people  you surround yourself with to how you spend your time - all impact your happiness to  some degree; but at the end of the day, your happiness depends on you and only you. When you wake up in the morning, you get to make a simple choice - are you going to  choose happiness or not? Choose wisely.

Number 7 - Seek Discomfort

If you want to be successful, you must  become comfortable with being uncomfortable. 
Just as accomplishing a fitness goal requires  you to put your body in a constant state of discomfort, achieving any goal in life requires  you to get outside of your comfort zone. You have to try new things and put yourself out  there - it’s an integral part of personal growth. Once you learn the value of discomfort,  and seek it out, it will help you open yourself to more opportunities that will  lead to a more successful and happy life.

Number 8 - Be Authentic

Humans are social creatures, and forming  relationships is a crucial part of our survival. 
Establishing meaningful bonds  also contributes to the amount of happiness we experience in our lives. That being said, there is a lot of pressure to look, act, think, and feel in certain  ways to fit the standards set by society, and it’s easy to get caught up in it. But true happiness, success, and healthy relationships, all require you  to be your most authentic self. Pretending to be someone you’re not won’t make you happy. So focus on connecting with who you truly are, and what you hold to be most important -  and present yourself that way every day.

Number 9 - Honesty Is The Best Policy

Honesty is one of the hardest values  to recognize and follow through on, 
but the simple saying “honesty is  the best policy” is all too true. I mean, you wouldn’t want to spend time on people  who are just going to cheat and lie to you. Right? It really is a no brainer… A life full of dishonesty cannot coexist with one of happiness and success; therefore  honesty must be something you value greatly.

Number 10 - Respect Yourself

Self-deprecation is common in our  society. Often, people treat others 
better than they treat themselves. But if you want happiness and success in your life, that must change. Take better care of yourself, speak to and of yourself with respect, and  understand that you deserve healthy relationships. Just think about it… If YOU don’t  respect yourself, why would anyone else?

Number 11 - Live Your Purpose

We’re all equipped with skills and abilities  to impact the world in our own unique ways. 
Yet, most people are not living a life of purpose. They try so hard to meet the standards of society, that they don’t achieve the success ‘right for  them,’ and as a result, they are left feeling unfulfilled. And that’s the reason why the  vast majority of people don’t like their jobs. Of course, your career isn’t the only part of your  purpose, but it is a significant portion of it. If you want to be successful and  happy, connecting with your purpose is one of the most important  values you should hold. Many factors determine the amount of  success and happiness you have in your life. The key is to understand that  those things are created - meaning, you have control over them, despite  how much you think you don’t. Your control over your life never wavers,  and you are never just a bystander in your own experiences. However, you must identify and  set values in order to actively take control. Maybe you identify with the values listed here, or  there are others that you hold dear - either way, figure out which ones are most important to you. If you can do that and stick to those values, you’ll find your life will become abundant in the  success you work for and the happiness you crave! 

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